@ Founder & CEO, ConsenSys Health
Heather Flannery is the Health Circle Global Lead at ConsenSys and the Founder and Board Chair of Blockchain in Healthcare Global (“BiHG”), a new independent 501(c)6 membership organization within the IEEE ISTO (ieee-isto.org) working to mitigate the barriers to adoption of blockchain, and converging innovations such as AI and IoMT, in healthcare delivery and the health, life, and social sciences while advancing progress in scientific reproducibility, medical ethics, human rights, and global inclusion. BiHG is developing a trans-jurisdictional policy roadmap and regulatory agenda, seeding industry self-regulation, and leading infrastructure and standards development in support of the common business interests of its members and for social good.
Prior to BiHG, Ms. Flannery founded and led Obesity PPM, an innovative provider of disease management, population health, research administration, and information technology managed services for health systems in the Americas, and was an early adopter of distributed ledger technology. Ms. Flannery has driven business model and technology innovation throughout her 24-year career as an entrepreneur, strategist, and change agent. She is intrinsically motivated to impact population health through non-communicable disease prevention and treatment and has consulted in the public sector in context of international development and global health. Ms. Flannery is a member of the Boards of Directors for cybersecurity firm Hedron Analytics, the blockchain-based faster-miracles company Science Distributed, and the non-profit Virginia Obesity Research Institute. She is an active participant in HIMSS and IEEE working groups on blockchain and healthcare, is an Innovation Fellow of the EP3 Foundation, produces the open-access “Blockchain in Healthcare” webinar series, and runs two Meetup groups in Washington DC, Blockchain in Healthcare Innovation Group, and Blockchain for Social Impact DC.